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Understanding why we do what we do...

Often this is a step that many coaches and athletes overlook, sometimes because they may not see its value, and sometimes they may not know how to do it. However, this is ultimately our foundation and provides us with an insight into why we do what we do. Building your philosophy as a coach or an athlete is a process and requires conscious effort and time. Our philosophies can change, and that is a natural part of the journey.

Try to ask yourself some of these questions:

Who around me inspires me? And why do they inspire me?

How do I want to be remembered by my fellow peers or athletes?

This is a process, and I advise you to get a notepad out and get your thoughts out; this is not a quick process!

Once you have your ideas out, try to identify any consistent themes, now challenge yourself to construct your philosophy. Make it yours! Draw it, create a poem, make a diagram, create a slogan! But most importantly, make it meaningful to you!

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