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The journey....

After receiving a diagnosis for dyslexia, the brain has always fascinated me. I was never the most academic, but I was fascinated by the voice in my head. I found it quite annoying actually and still sometimes do. But there was a time when this voice seemed to stop, and that was when I played sport. I enjoyed this experience, and soon enough, I was trying every sport under the sun. My passion was rugby, and I was fortunate enough to play in some high-performance environments, surrounded by some pretty inspiring individuals. It was incredible to play alongside many of these players, but I often struggled with my mind. The voice would often come into my head during performances, and I struggled to stay in the moment. I couldn't seem to understand this 'thing' in my head. Ultimately, my curiosity led me to undertake a double degree in a Bachelor of Sports Coaching and Bachelor of Science (Maj. Psychology). The two worlds have fascinated me ever since, and I became somewhat addicted to remoulding my learnings into practical coaching and playing situations.

A changing landscape...

The 21st-century sporting environment is rapidly changing, and we are now faced with a crossroads. Either provide settings that allow individuals to explore sport authentically or distance themselves from athletes' true motivations. During my time as a mental skills coach, I have seen the power of allowing athletes to go on a process of self-discovery. We let the individual take control and pivot towards uncomfortable situations, connecting their actions with why! Only when we reverse these power dynamics of sport will we see human performance's true potential.

This blog aims to create a community of coaches and athletes who can share and collaborate their experiences within their journey. I hope that this knowledge can spread and help shape other environments of self-discovery. The Performance Act will introduce you to techniques and tools you can use on your journey of self-discovery through sport, allowing you to discover your ultimate performance.

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